Hypnosis – (Self-Hypnosis and Guided Hypnosis) A trance-like state in which a person encourages the conscious mind to relax and become quiet. By quieting the conscious mind this allows the subconscious to come to the fore and be communicated with directly, this is where effective work can be done to help the client with whatever they need help with.
So, let’s look at the subconscious, conscious and hypnosis in the real world. People slip in and out of ‘hypnosis’ throughout the day and night in their everyday lives without ever realising it and most importantly without coming to any harm. This is where the actions that are necessary at the time can be managed effectively by the subconscious mind, so the person is on ‘autopilot’. If at any time whilst on ‘autopilot’ something untoward happens and the person become in any danger, in the way of harm or something unexpected happens, the subconscious mind relinquishes control, and the conscious mind takes over within nano seconds and deals immediately with the situation at hand keeping the organicism/person safe.
Have you ever really considered how much of your life you are actually thinking about what you are doing? When do you think about every single step in every process of everything that you do, from making a cup of tea or coffee, to having a shower, making your breakfast or dinner, to getting ready for work, to go out or to go to bed? It’s all done on autopilot, the subconscious is driving you, making sure you are OK in your day-to-day life, this is especially so when you are going through actions that you have done many times before. At some points you can almost consider the conscious mind to be a passenger.
Let’s take this to the next level, have you every driven or been driven somewhere, you get to your destination and then been asked “How was your journey?” You think about it, then it becomes apparent that the journey seemed to have gone by a lot quicker than you would’ve imagined and you can’t remember most of it if an! You remember setting off, you remember going to the garage for fuel but apart from that it’s mainly a blank, but you know you got there safe and sound. It’s all done on autopilot; the subconscious literally drove you most of the way and your conscious mind was sat in the back waiting patiently, like a guard watching to make sure nothing happens but, if some out of the ordinary does happen then the conscious part of the mind grabs control to try and avoid any emergencies or incidents, keeping the person safe.
All of the time your subconscious mind is running the show and your conscious mind taken a step back, you are in hypnosis. As you can see, the part of your mind that hypnotherapists work with your subconscious, is a very safe and reliable part of your being.
Hypnotherapy – Is a mind-body intervention that allows a hypnotherapist to access the ‘subconscious mind’ of the client via hypnosis, which is used to create a state of focused attention.
During this time the subject will feel calm, relaxed and at one with themselves and more open to suggestion. Once the client has reached this state their suggestibility has increased allowing the therapist to elicit the required change in the client’s subconscious life which then affects their conscious mind. Allowing them to be the best version of themselves in whatever way that means to them.